![]() SHORT MEDICAL REPORT FROM ASPERGILLOSIS 5th 2012 28 January 2012 Istanbul, Turkey. Aspergillosis 5th. sCEH News © News interviewed medical mycologist J Dumanov (subClinical Research Group US EU UK the lead developer of the diagnostic algorithm and protocols for testing for the presence of mold fungi and their mycotoxins of interest to medical doctors. We discussed the current findings relating to mold fungi and human health during a break on the last day of Advances in Aspergillosis 5th in Istanbul, Turkey a 4 day medical conference attended by over 500 clinicians and medical scientists Mechanisms of Invasion: Laryngeal Aspergillosis
Novel cases of suspect invasive fungal infection are a continuing challenge for pathologists in diagnostic medical mycology. A case report (soon to be published) of high interest to Professor Dumanov a clinical research pathologist in diagnostic medical mycology as he reviews and considers pathogenesis of invasion in the immunocompetent and non HIV patients. "It is interesting that mycoses are now more often reported in the immunocompetent and non-HIV healthy hosts. After my review of this case with I am satisfied with my differentiated diagnosis and hypotheses for such patients with mycoses" Interviewed by Cynthia Green from NJIE Infant Neurotoxicity and Developmental Cognitive Disorders Associated with Toxic Mold Exposure Doctor Dumanov (hon.) we are pleased to see you since your Miami presentation in 2008. Thank you. I always welcome an opportunity to share knowledge regarding fungal diseases to your readers. Istanbul has been very interesting but I need to get out of this snow, Miami so much warmer. Leaving for London tomorrow. I have already been here for 10 days with meetings in advance of the conference eagerly waiting for its start. It seems like yesterday, 2010 when we presented the case of Liana Jones' case with the invasive A. terreus at Rome's Aspergillosis 4th. For this conference I wish to address mycotoxicity, exposure and pathology and the need for these fungal metabolites to be recognized for the teratogenic risks they pose to preonates and later neurotoxicity to neonates for your readers. Mycotoxicity is under reported and poorly understood by many that have a need to know. I have seen hundreds of cases of exposure to fungi toxins and understanding their mechanisms, recognizing and knowing the pathogenesis of mycoses resulting from such exposure I routinely provide clinical guidance to patients and their physicians. What dismays me is when I am called to perform case studies involving infants and children exposed to fungal and other toxins for years-the dosage! I have performed numerous case studies (many pro bono)involving small children including those for state family services that have removed children from their homes. It is just alarming that people disregard the presence of mold fungi in their homes. What about mold and toxins in the home? In cases where toxigenic mold fungi are present in the home we know they have an allergic and immunological affect. In fact the Aspergilli account for nearly 80% of all fungal pathologies! This is especially true of A. fumigatus (terreus) as identified in my recent case. Eliminating risk to the exposure of mold fungi can be accomplished and must be assured to the expectant. Know this-anyone with known allergy to mold fungi are at a tremendous risk to fungal disease. What have we learned most recently that is most important for the general public to know regarding mold exposure? EXPOSURE TO MOLD AND NEURO TOXICITY "While attending this conference there were many new studies and reports of the role of mold fungi in human health. Some of the cases were quite starling even for this medical mycologist and for such reported I will leave that knowledge for the specially clinicians to disseminate to colleagues and select patients." NEONATES-COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT IMPAIRMENT "There were many classes of toxicity discussed and their affect on the human species. The public needs to understand when it comes to toxicity what is anyone talking about when they speak of "toxic mold"? Neurotoxicity is of special and immediate interest as were the findings of Polish researchers regarding the affects of mold toxin exposure with newborn. To digest just the key points of the study , this was a study was based upon a 6 year follow-up of new born's and their exposure to mold fungi. The study included only healthy non-smoking pregnant women without chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension. In this study the presence of mold fungi identified in their homes, including Aspergillus, was monitored from birth up to the age of five. At 6 years of age an IQ test was given to the children. "The effect of the exposure of the children living in mold-contaminated homes on their IQ scores after being adjusted for other factors known to be important for the cognitive development of children were considered . The adjusted IQ deficit attributed to longer exposures to indoor molds (>2 years) was significantly lower on the IQ scale. Concluded is that there may be a harmful effect of early postnatal exposure to indoor molds on children's cognitive development". What about your current studies regarding toxic exposure to infants? We understand that the prenatal exposure to toxins may have a dramatic teratogenic effect on fetal development but what is less recognized is the fact that post natal affect is no less a danger on an infant's development this is especially true neurologically. Post natal and in the first three years of life of an infant is a period of rapid cell growth and DNA replication. Exposure to toxins including chemical and electromagnetic and ionizing radiation results in various genetic mutations. At the time of birth a baby's brain is at nearly 25 % of the weight when a fall adult.. By age 6, it is at nearly 75% of that as when an adult. Our preliminary study indicates that mold fungi toxins may very well play an important role in neurotoxicity - this is especially true from those exposed at the left end of the S/E matrix. When we are satisfied with the sample size we will publish the results (2015). SOURCE OF REPORT: US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health For an earlier 2005 interview see Discovery *No assn with or by the ABIH or their CIH certification schema COPYRIGHT 1999-2012 NJIE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED COPY OR LINKING TO THIS PAGE OR WEBSITE IS PROHIBITED |